What is hunger marketing?

"Hunger Marketing": Quite simply, hunger marketing is creating the illusion that supply is outstripping demand to stimulate consumers' desire to buy. When the supply decreases but the demand remains unchanged, the price will rise normally, forming a rush to buy. For example, in the early years, when Apple mobile phones ...


「飢餓行銷」: 很簡單,飢餓行銷即是在製造一種供不應求的假象去刺激消費者的購買慾望。正所謂物以罕為貴,當供應量減少但需求又不變的時候,價格很正常便會上升,形成搶購熱潮。 例如早幾年,蘋果手機尚未進入內地市場時,只能在特定地區如在香港買得到,令到大量內地消費者來港搶購。搶購熱潮不但只推高了蘋果手機的炒賣價格,更渲染更多周圍的人,令更多人認識蘋果,間接提升了公司的形象和品牌。 所以當想推廣產品或服務時,可以好好應用飢餓行銷,去促進公司業務,但胡亂操控市場供求,可能會適得其反,令顧客反感。 不知如何推廣自己間公司?我們提供數碼營銷服務,絕對幫到你,和我們談一談吧! ...

What is Digital Marketing?

"Digital Marketing": As the name suggests, all use of digital technology for marketing can be called digital marketing, including social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, etc. The following will take a closer look at social media marketing and SEO. The most popular digital marketing method is social ...


「數碼營銷」: 顧名思義所有使用數碼科技手法用作行銷的都可稱為數碼營銷,包括社群媒體行銷、搜尋引擎優化(SEO)、電子郵件營銷等等。以下會詳細介紹社群媒體行銷和搜尋引擎優化。 現時最為流行的數碼營銷方法為社群媒體行銷,愈來愈多人使用社交媒體去分享自己的生活和朋友聯繫關係。因此企業都紛紛在Facebook、Instagram等社交平台上設立廣告,宣傳及推廣公司的業務。 近年亦有公司選擇與Key Opinion Leader(KOL 意見領袖)合作,由於KOL在社交平台上都有一定數目的粉絲,聘請他們去介紹公司產品及服務的成效會更多。 但說到數碼營銷又怎少得搜尋引擎優化(SEO),SEO 的作用在於提高公司網站在搜索引擎例如谷歌(GOOGLE)的排名。由於搜尋者一般只會留意排名較前的網站,因此網站都希望自己的排名能較高,更多人能留意到自己,從而促進自己公司的業務。可以說想網站在宣傳推廣中取得成功,SEO是不能缺少的。 想推廣自己的公司卻又無從入手?我們幫到你,和我們談一談吧! ...

5 potential problems with running a business on IG Shop alone and building a website with WordPress as a solution

I believe that many people have the habit of using Instagram (IG) as a social platform, and there will also be merchants who will operate IG online stores through this platform to sell different goods and services to other IG users. Have you ever thought about the following 5 potential ...